Friday, May 8, 2009

nasty email

Dr. Horsepower featuring Dr. Prison's very own Steve Scholl and Jim McCormick sent a very nasty email to their on again--off again CEO. The email was sent after the prospective CEO asked too many questions in a meeting held almost a month ago.

The questions were around why Dr. Horsepower was paying a high ranking mexican official $2,500 a month. He also questioned the legality of paying investors dividends when there was almost no revenue. He said that it looks very much like a ponzi scheme using new investors money to pay old investors dividends. Those questions were never answered satisfactorily.

Here is an excerpt from the email sent may8 2009.

I read your Web Blog the other day and I must say it is very impressive. However, your Blog is full of lies.

We never made you an offer.We have asked you repeatedly to define your plan for the Company’s direction. We are still waiting for your plan. You want advance payment but the fact is that no one on earth would pay you in advance until they see what you can do.We all agreed that you are administrative; a behind the scenes guy who has nothing to do with image. Jim says that you don’t fit the DrHorsepower image because of your height. He says many diseases can be cured but small man syndrome is not one of them.I hope your comments and Blog are a misunderstanding and not an overblown sense of your self worth.

Steve Scholl
Dr. Horsepower

NOTE: It is important to point out that this blog and blogger is in no way saying that the business practices employed by Steve Scholl, Dr Horsepower or Jim McCormick are in any way illegal or illicit. This blog and blogger only intends to publish what he has discoverd about the company. This blogger has never signed an NDA and any proprietary information gathered will not be published, released or otherwise divulged.


  1. I know these guys very well, and was suckered into the scheme - investing all kinds of money, and then they disappeared. I wonder if you have heard any new info on theses guys?

  2. Yes email us at
